Curiosity, Receptivity, Presence
Christina de Cossio
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, LMFT
Neuro Affective Relational Model
Clinical Somatic Psychotherapist
Somatic Regulation Specialist
Professional Background
resource links are in bold
Psychotherapy & Counseling
Master of Fine Arts Integral Counseling Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, Ca
California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, LMFT 125430
Complex Trauma Training, Neuro Affective Relational Model, NARM with Lawrence Heller, PhD.
- Certified NARM Therapist, Masters NARM Training
NARM Training Institute Member, Ongoing training and consultation with Lawrence Heller and Brad Krammer.
Social and Emotional Development, Mental Health Associate with Marin Head Start Preschool Program
Somatic Movement and Health Education
Bachelors of Science in Nutrition Science at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, Ca
- Senior Thesis: Comparative Study of Youth Body Image and Eating Disorder Programs
Sound Movement Integration tm Associate, SMI tm with Sahn Nicole Hill for the Institute of Indigenous Arts in Marin, Ca since 2008
Participatory Arts in Somatic Education and Developmental Movement at Moving On Center in Oakland, Ca
Somatic Practice: Resilience and Self Regulation, with Kathy L. Kain
Founding Owner of The Common Well Holistic Center, Fairfax California since 2007
Founding Creative Director of the original Project Embody, Community Education and Arts Non-profit, 2000-2004
Advanced Therapeutic Bodywork
California Massage Therapy Council Certified Massage and Bodywork Therapist, CACMT
Massage & Bodywork Certification at the Institute of Conscious Bodywork in Mill Valley, California
Advanced Neuromuscular Reprogramming Therapy, NMR with Jocelyn Olivier
Advanced Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, NMT with Venice Sullivan